Microservice Tech Stacks (introducing the FRN)

What are Microservices Microservices – also known as the microservice architecture – is a software development paradigm, where an application is structured as a collection of services that are easier to maintain and test, loosely coupled and independently deployable. The microservice architecture enables a fast and reliable delivery of large and highly complex applications with…

The Technology Acceptance Model

The background According to the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), the acceptance of new technological systems depends on two external factors which are considered as measurements of intention to use and likelihood of adoption. The users’ perception of value extraction from that technology is defined as perceived usefulness. The level of effort as a usability parameter…

Diagnostic Pathways

The approach The diagnostic procedure in medicine often combines different approaches, which are influenced by the context, patient symptoms, clinician expertise, and available diagnostic tools [1]. As illustrated and summarized in the following figure, the diagnostic process begins with gathering patient data, including a medical history and possibly a physical examination. This information is then…

Semantic Grouping of Features for Predictive Modeling in Machine Learning

Background Semantic grouping of features refers to organizing related features into meaningful clusters based on their inherent relationships or domain-specific knowledge. In predictive modeling, this process is crucial for improving model interpretability, performance, and robustness. By clustering features that share a common context or meaning, we can reduce dimensionality, simplify feature engineering, and potentially enhance…

Personalization of treatment based on biomarkers

Definition Central to the personalized medicine approach is the utilization of biomarkers—measurable indicators of biological processes, pathogenic processes, or pharmacologic responses to a therapeutic intervention. Biomarkers enable clinicians to make informed decisions about diagnosis, prognosis, and therapy selection, enhancing treatment efficacy and patient outcomes. Pharmacodynamic Biomarkers Pharmacodynamic biomarkers are crucial for assessing a drug’s biological…